Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hollywood Nightmare I: Lucid Rising

I look to make this a series of posts, here I will just give some backround and introduction to this topic.


One great hobby of mine is what I like to call "reverse social engineering", that is to labor to undo the
mental manipulation that is imposed by the elite, supremecist class upon the rest of us.
The mightiest of their tools to this end is television, at one time you could say it was religion that took this prize but since the advent of film, it has taken a back seat.
So, in this series I will look at this topic from a new angle in an attempt to tear down a few new walls, as it were.

First, a disclaimer. If you do not think everything coming out of Hollywood (especially your favorite shows) isn't there to turn you into a willing slave drone for Israeli and other elitist interests.. you're in the wrong place, or you need to futher research the matter. I might cover the 101 of it in a later post, but for now I'm treating this as a "post conspiracy" blog.

If you were to study the structure of the propaganda being used today, you would notice that much of the groundwork was layed down in the work of psychoanalysists like Freud and Jung (they were not looking out for your best interests, sorry.) and the Frankfurt School, a group of Marxists who are responsible directly for most of the societal degredation we see today..

This might be a topic I will expound upon in the future in detail, but for now I will stick to the issue at hand. But most of this work wasn't to make you feel better. It was to control you. Drug you. Dehumanize you.

We see many traces of these works in modern media. For example.. Jung's thoughts on collective consciousness relate to what's erroneously called "synchromyticism" which is basically placing higher esoteric concepts into films so it creates an aura of "connectedness", many characters in film and television will loosely follow the stories of mythological characters like Christ or Hercules. This allows further infiltration into the mind and perhaps overwriting these myths will more perverse morals of the story. This is similar to how the Catholic church integrated pagan rites and holidays into Vatican lore as well as how Astrotheology is injected into the Abrahamic religions themselves.

If you research these "great psychologists" objectively you will begin to see the threads that bind us today often result from the bile spewn by their pens. I prefer philosophy anyway.

 Marcuse was another one who's work was particularly dangerous. He pushed what he called "polyamourous perversity" that people should abandon all morals and values and sink into petty carnal decadence. What do you see today? How many do you know have abandoned love for lust? And if you think that's bad, the generation after you is twice as fucked up.
You can see many other connections which I again may expound upon later if you study these guys.

But what is the bulwark of much of the work of this psycho-anal-ism is about dream interpretation.

So.. what do dreaming, Hollywood and psychoanalysis have in common? The answer is rather dark.

First let's look at television and it's effect on people..

More on brain waves and television here and here.

Oneric Theory
In a film theory context, the term oneiric (/oʊˈnaɪrɪk/; "pertaining to dream") refers to the depiction of dream-like states in films, or to the use of the metaphor of a dream or the dream-state to analyze a film. The connection between dreams and films has been long established; "The dream factory" “...has become a household expression for the film industry”. The dream metaphor for film viewing is “one of the most persistent metaphors in both classical and modern film theory”, and it is used by film theorists using Freudian, non-Freudian, and semiotic analytical frameworks.
Early film theorists such as Ricciotto Canudo (1879-1923) and Jean Epstein (1897-1953) argued that films had a dreamlike quality. Raymond Bellour and Guy Rosolato made psychoanalytical analogies between films and the dream state, and claimed that films have a ‘latent’ content that can be psychoanalyzed as if it were a dream. Italian film director Pier Paolo Pasolini argued that dreams carry messages using a common store of signs. Lydia Marinelli states that before the 1930s, psychoanalysts “...primarily attempted to apply the interpretative schemata found in Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams to films.” More recently, Robert Eberwein has “...cull[ed] dream scenes from the entirety of cinematic history” to establish “...the validity of psychoanalytic terminology in the form of a taxonomy.”
Another way that films and dreams are connected in psychological analysis is by examining the relationship between the cinema exhibition process and the passive spectator. Roland Barthes, a French literary critic and semiotician, described film spectators as being in a “para-oneiric” state, feeling “...sleepy and drowsy as if they had just woken up” when a film ends. Similarly, the French surrealist André Breton argues that film viewers enter a state between being “...awake and falling asleep,” what French filmmaker René Clair called a “dreamlike state.” Edgar Morin's Le cinéma ou l'homme imaginaire (1956) and Jean Mitry's first volume of Esthétique et psychologie du cinéma (1963) also discuss the connection between films and the dream state.
The French surrealist playwright and director Antonin Artaud argued that the American burlesque genre, with its bizarre, lush costumes, and its mixture of dancing girls, comedians, mime artists and striptease artists, has oneiric qualities.

Not only are there direct, physical problems that arise.. but nearly all the content is dehumanizing. One need not look to far to notice this, it should already be apparent. It's all dick-and-fart jokes.. bitch-boys and fat slobs as examples of men.. cretins and whores as examples of women.. spandex clad state-servers and pop idols for the kids. And don't even get me started on the unadulterated faggotry. These aspects are important, and much of the small seemingly meaningless memes and themes in film will come into play as well.

So.. it's just a dream right? It's not important.

What is a dream anyway?

I will look into the esoterica behind dreaming in later articles in this series, but they connect with the Akashic, the Shaman, the Priestess and the Goddess.

If you've had a pet cat or dog.. you've noticed it dream very likely. You will notice it react like it is around loved ones or escaping a predator or fighting a rival, etc. What's going on here?

Primitive instinct rehearsal theory of dreaming

(from wikipedia)
Two researchers have postulated that dreams have a biological function, where the content requires no analysis or interpretation, that content providing an automatic stimulation of the body's physiological functions underpinning the human instinctive behavior. So dreams are part of the human, and animal, survival and development strategy.
Prof Antti Revonsuo (Turku university, Finland) has limited his ideas to those of "threat rehearsal," where dreams exercise our primary self-defense instincts, and he has argued this cogently in a number of publications.
Keith Stevens extends the theory to all human instincts, including threats to self, threats to family members, pair bonding and reproduction, inquisitiveness and challenges, and the drive for personal superiority and tribal status. He categorizes dreams, using a sample of 22,000 Internet submissions, into nine categories, demonstrating the universal commonality of dream content and instinct rehearsal. It is postulated that the dream function is automatic, in response to the content, exercising and stimulating the body chemistry and neurological activity that would come into play if the scenario occurred in real life, so that the dream does not have to be remembered to achieve its objective.
It is argued that, once a dreamer has experienced a threat in a dream (either to self or a family member), his/her ability to confront and overcome a real life threat is then enhanced, so that such dreams, in both humans or animals, are an aid to survival. The threat rehearsal can be specific, for instance, an attack from a savage dog, but it can also be general, in that the threat response physiology is activated and reinforced whilst dreaming.
For human reproduction, the theory states that dreams of pairing, bonding and mating stimulate the reflex to reproduce the species, with an emphasis on dreams that promote the principle of selection; the desire of the individual to find the best mate and to achieve the optimum genetic mixing. In that respect, the dream function conflicts with human values of fidelity and mating for life. Specifically, young women dream often of being pregnant and giving birth, overwhelmingly positive dreams that directly stimulate the urge to reproduce.
Regarding status, dreams about being superior or inferior to others are thought to stimulate the dreamer's determination to improve his status within the immediate human hierarchy, either through the positive physiology of success or the negative physiology of failure. Hence, dreaming is believed to promote competition and the reproductive success of those best suited to the environment.
Finally, other dreams stimulate the determination to explore and inquire, through the extremes of exhilarating dream achievements (positive physiology) or frustrating obstructions and barriers. The latter stimulates a determination not to give up in a quest, so that, in life, the individual and the species move forward. For the dreaming wildebeest, it may be a rich pasture over the hill; for the human dreamer it may be splitting the atom.

So.. dreaming, instinct and the self have a connection. 
The Gnostics believed the Goddess, Sophia dreamt the world into existence.

So what's going on here, and why is western society degenerating so rapidly?

Is Hollywood not altering your thinking, are they altering your genetics?

Are they not only altering your genetics, but the genetics of all who follow your bloodline?

End of Part I

Special thanks to Celtic Rebel (look him up for a wealth of work on media programming) and all the other reverse social engineers out there for helping me look into these matters.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting take on the Hollywood symbolism dream machine. I think it keen to keep our eyes open and aware to these facts and to consider its effects on us. I am always thinking about the "art"; whose message it conveys; Is it malicious?; Can good intention bleed through?; Is it possible that meaning appears outside of the controllers' intents?

    It's good to have people who care enough to dig through the roots of our unassumed everyday mundanity. They are way too few.

    Hope to read more of your posts on Hollywood.
