Most of us are torn into this world in tears. Fate would have it our brains are too big for our britches.
Childbirth is complicated in humans relative to other primates. Unlike the situation in great apes, human neonates are about the same size as the birth canal, making passage difficult. The birth mechanism (the series of rotations that the neonate must undergo to successfully negotiate its mother's birth canal) distinguishes humans not only from great apes, but also from lesser apes and monkeys. Tracing the evolution of human childbirth is difficult, because the pelvic skeleton, which forms the margins of the birth canal, tends to survive poorly in the fossil record. Only 3 female individuals preserve fairly complete birth canals, and they all date to earlier phases of human evolution. Here we present a virtual reconstruction of a female Neandertal pelvis from Tabun, Israel. The size of Tabun's reconstructed birth canal indicates that childbirth was about as difficult in Neandertals as in present-day humans, but the canal's shape indicates that Neandertals had a more primitive birth mechanism. A significant shift in childbirth apparently occurred quite late in human evolution, during the last few hundred thousand years. Such a late shift underscores the uniqueness of human childbirth and the divergent evolutionary trajectories of Neandertals and the lineage leading to present-day humans.
You can read more in detail here.
Neandertal birth canal shape and the evolution of human childbirth; Abstract
Before recent times, humans often did not survive child birth as this matter is so severe. You do not hear of it much.
The obvious physical damage is clear, but unfortunately in most cases.. the door hits your ass on the way out.
Freud pops up here again, not surprisingly. Citing that it's not true and that you are a no good mother fucker. (Blaming the problems from birth trauma on the Oedipus complex.. this is what I call an Archontic Inversion. I will address this in detail eventually.)
And relating to my last post, the consiquences of the head being too large for the birth canal causes futher damage on instinct, allowing it to be more easily rewritten.
Your birth is extremely important to who you are.
Jeanice Barcelo, M.A., is a birth doula and independent childbirth educator, specializing in the prevention and healing of birth trauma. She is an international speaker, TV and radio show host, and founder of the forthcoming "Birth of a New Earth Preparatory School for Conscious Procreation." Jeanice has been an independent childbirth educator for the past 7 years, offering educational seminars and teacher trainings. During the first hour we discuss the disturbing aspects of standard baby delivery protocols and procedures within the hospital. Jeanice will talk about the pain and torture that a baby endures during the birthing process as well as the interference that occurs between baby/parent bonding. Many unnecessary and insane procedures are now commonly acceptable during the birthing process. Where did this begin and why?
One other great trauma related to birth is circumcision. This issue is a much more complex one. Every other month I am hearing of new problems this brings about and only makes things much worse then they already are.
Many researchers believe that these traumas could actually be leading to the bulk of the psychological problems we face today.
Although, there are ways we can begin to confound this. For now, I am going to focus on one.. I found this to be such a beautiful truth I wanted to share it.
Belly dancing has always fascinated me and I always thought there was something truly surreal to it.
Tits or ass? If you're a western male you've probably been asked this question. It's a tough one to answer as well. Hollywood brainwashing aside.. the hourglass figure seems very important. Are we just taking apart the Oreo and eating the cookie here?
Leaving the vessel for the vestiges?
Would you purchase a stroller if it has a nice trim but it was missing a wheel?
It was seem this practice, the natal dance could play a large part in reducing birth trauma.The "birthing practices" theory covers a sub-set of dance movements in modern Raqs Sharqi. Strongly publicized by the research of the dancer/layperson anthropologist Morocco (also known as Carolina Varga Dinicu), it involves the rework of movements traditionally utilized to demonstrate or ease childbirth. Although lacking an "origin point", this theory does have the advantage of numerous oral historical references, and is backed by a commentary in the work The Dancer of Shamahka.
It would also seem it is very ancient and has roots in Goddess worship. It is the oldest style of dance that is known to us, and began as a fertility ritual.
Maha Al Musa - Dance of the womb, and Birthing Sense bring you information about how belly dancing is great for labour and birth
We have many problems today, we are coming to the time where we can find where our traumas and problems come from and how we can try to come to terms with them. Many of those answers lay in our ancient rituals, often from the feminine aspect of that since it has been so suppressed Priestarchy that runs much of the world today.
This is a much wider issue, and I just wanted to do a brief introduction to the issue. I am sure there is more to this, like most things.